The abrupt move from home to work has weakened US retailers that sell clothes. One such retailer has seen a drastic decline in revenue in recent weeks because the industry ‘s leaders call it “casualization,” in which Men’s Wearhouse, Jos A Bank, Brooks Brothers, Lord & Taylor, Ann Taylor. Lopt and Neiman Marcus. One in five suits sold in America, Men’s Wearhouse in 2011 paid for. With its parent company Tailored Brands filing for Chapter 11 protection this month, the request for its suits collapsed less than a decade later. The company plans to close up to 500 locations.
According to research firm IBISWorld, the revenue of men’s clothing stores is expected to decrease by 13% in 2020 and will continue to decline for many years. It’s pandemic, he said Ray Wimer, an assistant professor of distributors at Syracuse University’s Whitman School of Management has literally intensified the ongoing shift towards more casual wear in the company. Several retailers have benefitted from earlier moves towards casual wear, for example, the female Chico clothing chain. Nonetheless, some retailers argue that their declines in celebrations hurt them more than their shift to casual wear in their home-working setting.
Retailers specializing in clothing change their tactics to avoid a total exit from the business. An attempt to sell for $305 million was recently announced by Brooks Brothers, a company comprising the Simon Property Group mall owner and Authentic Brands that have pursued a similar strategy to rescue the Aeropostale fashion chain.