Australia is an important trading partner of Bangladesh. Bangladesh’s products enjoy duty-free market access to Australia. Australia is partnering the International Labor Organization to improve working conditions, empower women and boost the competitiveness of Bangladesh’s readymade garment industry. The partnership has been strengthened by the re-commitment of funds for Better Work Bangladesh as part of Australia’s ongoing partnership with ILO. Australia has been supporting BWB since 2016 and today the program reaches 4,85,708 workers in 210 factories who work with 22 international brands. Australia is committed to fund this program until June 2020 as a demonstration of support for industrial safety, labor law governance and women’s economic empowerment in Bangladesh. Australia’s ongoing support for the Better Work Bangladesh program drives important changes in workplace safety in the garment industry. Better Work has made measurable impacts on the lives of millions of workers and their families. It aims at uniting multiple stakeholders, promoting decent work for all and helping the garment industry in Bangladesh thrive.