The worldwide demand for personal protective material (PPE) in the spread of the coronavirus suddenly becomes a skyscraper. Bangladesh has been well placed to address the global market by avoiding the initial crisis. Last fiscal, THE COUNTRY exported 501 million US dollars of PPE material to 71 countries around the world. However, from September last year to August of this year, PPE exports stood at about $52 00 0,414 crore. However, entrepreneurs do not want to be too optimistic about the future of the business, citing PPE exports as a temporary product. According to them, ppe can be a business if the effective vaccine in corona comes into the market.
Analysis of the figures obtained by the Export Development Bureau (EPB) and BGMEA sources shows that in the last fiscal 2019-20, the COUNTRY has exported 50.1million dollars or 4258 crore PPE. Of this, PPE gowns have been exported to $35.15 million. PPE gowns are exported from Bangladesh to 61 countries in the world but the highest export is in Germany. The country exported A PPE gowns worth $862 million, or Tk. 733 crore, last fiscal. Besides, the united states has exported 50million and Belgium has a total of 41 million dollars of gowns. Other medical care products exported were $10.12 million. One notable feature is that in the past year, the export of face cover, oven and surgical masks has been $393 million. Of these, three-tier surgical masks are exported for $167 million or 142 million dollars. 68 percent of surgical masks, or 14 million dollars, have been exported to Turkey. Also, a $2 million surgical mask went to Canada.
However, the July-August figure for THE CURRENT year is very promising in PPE exports. The product was exported to the first two months of the fiscal at $13.12 million, about 16 percent higher than the same period in the previous fiscal. If PPE exports continue to grow at the same pace as in July-August, exports could double in the last fiscal by the end of the year. According to bangladesh garment manufacturers and exporters association (BGMEA), PPE is currently exporting 33 domestic companies to meet global demand. The largest shipment was made by the leading textile and clothing products exporter Beximco Group, us brand Henske. In one of those transactions, 6.5 million pieces of PPE gowns were exported.
Meanwhile, smart jackets at Chittagong EPZ came under attack when the PPE gown crisis hit the country in Early March. They immediately supplied the government with about 200,000 PPE gowns. Besides, the GB International, Mustafa Garment, Hards Garment PPE of The Karnafuli EPZ in Chittagong are producing PPE. Mask exports are big groups like Four H Group, The Clifton Group, Asian Apparel. “We have been building PPE for the American firm Woodbridge for five years,” Revolution Kumar, executive director of Smart Jackets, told The Voice of the Government. The PPE is used by tourists who visit Niagara Falls. Orders of 3 to 400,000 PPIs per month are available for bookings by 2023. Many bears are also in touch with the production of PPE gowns. But we prefer regular bears. Because the effective vaccine in the corona can reduce the demand for protective material. ”
In view of the intense demand for masks in Corona, the bgmea director and managing director of Familytex Garments, Meraz-e-Mostafa, imported automatic machines to make surgical masks from China. However, he complained about the three-tier surgical mask shortage, saying, “China is not selling the necessary raw materials even though it sells surgical mask making machines. ‘ The future of PPE products is not very much seen by Abu Tayyab, president of the International Business Forum Chittagong Chapter and former first vice president of BGMEA. “The fear of the spread of the coronavirus worldwide has led to a huge demand for PPE products as a temporary product,” he said. However, there is no time yet for comment on its future. I don’t think PPE will be a big marketing. Because no bear wants to order in the long run. ‘