Saturday, October 5, 2024
HomeFashion & RetailBrands are improving their rankings on Brand Finance Global 500

Brands are improving their rankings on Brand Finance Global 500

brand-finance-reportAs per the 2020 edition rankings of the Brand Finance report indicates, Nike, Gucci, and Adidas have improved their positions on the Brand Finance Global 500. Nike climbed up to the fortieth position. It is the first fashion company on the list, with a brand value of 35 billion dollars. Gucci rose to position 99 with a brand value of 17.6 billion dollars. Adidas remained third in the apparel sector despite dropping 5 places down, it now positions as 104 in the ranking. The high-tech Google and Apple completed the podium by being ranked on the second and third position.

Among other brands featuring on the list H&M declined by 25 places to the 135th position while Burberry climbed 12 positions to the 421st position. Uniqlo improved its ranking by climbing up 5 positions now ranks as 143. On a global scale, Amazon became the first brand to exceed $200 billion and for the third consecutive year retained the title of the most valuable brand in the world.



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