Seshadri Ramkumar, Texas Tech University, USA
Australian scientists have developed an improved carbon fiber manufacturing process which could result in low cost of carbon fibers. Maxime Maghe and Steve Atkiss, associated with Deakin University’s Carbon Nexus have invented a process that reduces energy with carbon fiber manufacturing by 75% and speeds-up the production process.
Deakin University has licensed the technology to LeMond Composites, founded by Mr. Greg LeMond, three-time Tour de France champion. “Technology developed by Carbon Nexus will feed the world with low cost carbon fiber,” said, Mr. LeMond. There is a plan to have a carbon fiber manufacturing plant in Geelong with investment from LeMond Composites. Furnace Engineering of Victoria, Australia will be supplying machinery for this venture.
The licensing agreement between Carbon Nexus and LeMond Composites is first of its kind from Carbon Nexus, stated Derek Buckmaster, Director of Carbon Nexus. Carbon Nexus was formed at Deakin in 2014 with investments from Australian Government, local and state agencies and Deakin University.
Mr. LeMond was the first cyclist to win Tour de France using carbon fiber bike.