Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeEventsDenmark Bangladesh project signing on food safety and sustainable production

Denmark Bangladesh project signing on food safety and sustainable production

DK BD signing

Denmark and Bangladesh have further strengthened cooperation on food and agriculture to support a safe and sustainable food production in Bangladesh. On Monday 09 September 2024, Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BFSA) and the Danish Embassy on behalf of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration signed a Strategic Sector Cooperation (SSC) Project on food safety and green transition of the dairy value chain. This new project between Denmark and Bangladesh will work to address several challenges in relation to food safety in Bangladesh, including antimicrobial resistance and misuse of antibiotics in food production.

Zakaria, Chairman of BFSA underlined the importance of ensuring safe food for all to ensure health and development. This collaboration will help to further develop and ensure safe food in Bangladesh. By increasing the food safety measures, Bangladesh will have more access to the international food market.

Danish Ambassador to Bangladesh, H.E. Mr. Christian Brix Møller said ´Denmark and Bangladesh have been trusted partners for more than five decades now. We are very happy to have entered this partnership to strengthen our cooperation on food safety, mainly antimicrobial resistance and sustainable food production to support health and the development towards a prosperous Bangladesh.´

The signing has solidified the commitment of both nations to continue close cooperation in the food and agricultural sectors and collaborate on vital matters related to food safety management and sustainable food production. This SSC project is a government-to-government project between Denmark and Bangladesh. The Danish partner to this project is the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA), while the Bangladeshi partners are BFSA, Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI), Directorate General Drug Administration (DGDA), and Department of Livestock Services (DLS). The project is a three-year government-to-government project, bringing Danish and Bangladeshi experts together. The three core objectives of this project are: i) Improving food safety in the dairy value chain through strengthening the regulatory framework and capacity building, ii) preventing antimicrobial resistance in the livestock sector through strengthening the regulatory framework and capacity building, and iii) supporting efficient and sustainable dairy production through strengthening the capacity of the competent authority working with extension service for dairy farmers.

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