Essential Clothing Ltd, a RMG factory located Gazipur took initiative to combat disparity notion of the RMG workers. The objective of this day-long event was to motivate workers as well as their children to achieve higher success in academics and their future life. The event as labelled as “The Sky is the limit”- with invited 380 children from age group between 5 to 15 who are school going. The factory authority had donated each children a school bag filled with a Tee shirt, geometry box, chocolate hamper and inspirational book. Children who earned distinction in PSC, JSC and SSC exams last year were awarded with special gifts. This event was also portrayed the biography of national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam, greatest US president Abraham Lincoln and late Indian President JP Abul Kalam Azad to inspire the under privileged children that it is also possible for them to achieve greater things.
The Managing Director of Essential Clothing Ltd, Mr. Saiful Islam Khan said- RMG industry in Bangladesh has employed over 4 million workers with whom almost 1 million children are connected. If all 4000 factories in Bangladesh come up with this type of initiative to motivate their workers’ children, it can surely help us to build a better Bangladesh.