Special Correspondent
Leading manufacturer of water-based inks, Magna Colours Ltd. has created a new robust sustainability standard for the textile printing industry. Not content with simply adhering to their own high environmental standards, Magna have created the GNA® (Green, Neutral and Awesome) mark in order to encourage the use of sustainable and environmentally friendly methods throughout the textile printing industry.
Magna has introduced the new mark, designed to be available for use by any compliant ink manufacturer, so that customers know exactly what has gone into the products they buy, as well as to encourage more environmentally friendly methods in the industry. In order to meet GNA standards, inks cannot contain harmful chemicals such as PVC or APEO’s (Alkyl Phenyl Ethoxylates) and they must be water-based formulations, making them safer both for the environment and consumers.
An exclusive seminar organized by Magna Colors Ltd. & HyupJin Petrochemical Ind. Ltd. held on GNA® Standard Dhaka recently. Mr. Abdul Matlub Ahmad, President, The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) was present as Chief Guest on this occasion. Professionals from different companies from textile printing industry were present at the knowledge seminar. Hk Kabir, Managing Director of HyupJin Petrochemical Ind. Ltd. presided over the seminar. Mr. Matlub mentioned in his speech, “The world is moving for Green industry, I am very much delighted for such initiatives. Textile industry is the heart of our economy. I hope such innovative initiative will ensure best quality product which will increase the export volume and currency as well.” He thanked Magna Colour & Hyupjin for introducing GNA® at Bangladesh market.
Mr. Mangan Brendan, Technical Manager of Magna Colors Ltd. presented a technical presentation on GNA® Standard. He showed the key features, facts, aim of GNA® Standard to the audience. Mr. Brendan said, “For almost two decades Magna have been at the forefront of the development of water based inks, on a mission to take away the necessity for the use of harmful chemicals, including formaldehyde, in screen-printing. In that time, the demand from consumers for more sustainable products has increased exponentially. We see people all over the world trying to improve sustainability; but few are in the position to make a lasting impact. Those of us in the garment screen-printing industry are at an advantage. The exceptional performance of the latest water-based inks means there is now no need for solvent-based printing systems, immediately reducing the risk of harmful chemicals to our health and the environment. By aiming to eliminate these chemicals from the garment-printing industry, GNA® will change the world forever.”
Textiles printing inks are an area of high compliance risk, and consequently, a high concern for many brands. GNA® aims to address this risk with a simple, yet comprehensive Restricted Substance List (RSL) and process.
GNA® is not only advantageous for printers, but also retailers and consumers. If more printers comply with this strict environmental standard, then retailers will have more manufacturers to choose from when sourcing their products. Consumers also stand to gain peace of mind from GNA®, if they see that a product is GNA accredited, they know that it adheres to the most stringent standards.
Hk Kabir, Managing Director of HyupJin Petrochemical Ind. Ltd, thanked to all participate at the seminar. The guests from different companies were awarded a participation certificate for their presence.