G~SPIN offers solutions across all activities &operations of a textile spinning mill
G~SPIN can be accessed from anywhere and can also be integrated into a mobile app
1,200 overall solutions implemented in India till date
Following the success received from the Indian textile sector, ERP solutions developer, Global Software’s now plans to launch its textile spinning production and management ERP software – G~SPIN for spinning mills in Bangladesh, for which it is seeking Bangladeshi channel partners. Global Software’s is a specialist in developing ‘All-in-One’ ERP system for small and medium sized textile and apparel industries.
The G~SPIN ERP software offers solutions across all activities and operations of a typical spinning mill. These include Inventory, Costing/Profit&Loss, Sales (Yarn/Fabric), Consignment or Depot Sales/ Production, Cotton (What), Power & Diesel, Waste Sales, Quality Assurance, Payroll, Accounts, Stores (Purchase&Inventory), Fabric Conversion, Hostel, Canteen, Scrap Sales, Machinery & Vehicle Maintenance, etc.
The entire G~SPIN ERP software can be accessed through an innovative Dash Board/Gateway for accessing information by top management from anywhere in the world. It also generates M.I.S reports of day to day activities like production,stores,power, cotton,yarn&fabric stock, machinery maintenance,quality achieved,waste,hostel,canteen,H.R, payables, receivables etc., in a single sheet.
Additionally, multiple mills and sales depots can be connected with one server and there is a multiple mill Dash Board/Gateway display, irrespective of location and operation on a single database. Alongside, the G~SPIN generates a daily email of the MIS report for top management, so that they can keep a track and take immediate action if required.
The G~SPIN can be integrated with a mobile app, which is designed to have current status of orders, yarn stock, cotton stock, production, stores, maintenance, etc. There is also daily auto mailing facility for top management and department heads.
Global Softwares has industry experience of over three decades in developing innovative software solutions, with a focus only on the textile and apparel sector. The company’s R&D team puts continuous efforts to evolve new and easy to operate software technologies. All the ERP solutions developed by Global Softwares are ISO complaint.
For more information please visit http://www.theglobalsoftwares.com/