Globally we are passing a very hard time which was not observed in our life time ever. More or less every industry is suffering. Textile industry is the main earning source of Bangladesh economy and large portion of our population is directly involved in this industry. Textile Focus editor M A Islam Riyadh talked different businessman, stakeholders regarding their observation and planning during the pandemic situation. Key discussion points are mentioned individually-
It is unfortunate but to be unequivocal the Covid-19 pandemic has directly affected us with significant magnitude
Meherun N. Islam, President and Group Managing Director, CEMS Global
As an exhibition organizer I am able to closely witness the event management service industry as well as other industries that are linked to this sector. Such an unprecedented change in operations resulted in a void of visitors and participants- causing other supporting business ventures like hotels, airline companies, logistic service providers, event venue rental businesses, etc. to also experience the negative economic impact of Covid-19. There are other sectors who are also suffering from the effects of Covid-19 and as an exhibition organizer I am able to perceive their loss with a more profound level of understanding.
Our best action right now is to endure and stand by for the situation to improve because as of now hosting an event would be hazardous for the citizens of multiple nations- as most of the events hosted by CEMS-Global are international. We host exhibitions in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Brazil, and in Morocco where people from over twenty different nations fly in to visit or take part in the event. As soon as the global situation improves we will be extensively prepared to organize successful events world wide- while conserving strict safety protocols that ensure the safety of the visitors and the participants. We have not given up in the past 28 years and we are most certainly not going to give up now.
It is unfortunate but to be unequivocal the Covid-19 pandemic has directly affected us with significant magnitude. In simpler words, no public gathering, no events- period. Without exhibitions the hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of visitors- most of who had to fly in to the location of the event- are not coming due to the current state of the world. This means those flights are not being booked, the hotel suites are no longer being reserved and the venue for the exhibition is not being economically utilized.