ITMA is the trendsetting textile and garment technology platform where the industry converges every four years to explore fresh ideas, effective solutions and collaborative partnerships for business growth. Organized by ITMA Services, the upcoming ITMA will be held from 20 to 26 June 2019 in Barcelona at Fira De Barcelona, Gran Via, Spain. Technological innovation, a basic of industry transformation, is pivotal to the success of the textile and garment industry. ITMA 2019 provides an unrivalled marketplace and knowledge platform. Recently 02 delegates visited Bangladesh and met different trade bodies and stakeholders to promote ITMA 2019 and attract Bangladeshi visitors. Textile Focus is one of the media partners of ITMA 2019 and promoting ITMA 2019 through it’s different publication and digital campaigning. Textile Focus Managing Editor Maeen Md. Khairul Akter; Editor M A Islam Riyadh had a meeting with Daphne Poon, Director, Marketing & Communication, ITMA Services & Pearly Ang, Senior Marketing Communication Manager, ITMA Services. Some key points for the discussion are mentioned bellow for our readers-
Textile Focus: How are you getting response for ITMA 2019 all over the world?
Daphne Poon: Response is good. There are lots of changes in textile industry i.e technological development, industry 4.0, challenges like sustainability. So, we are expecting a very successful exhibition this time with great presence of exhibitors, visitors and technologies. Now people are looking forward for innovative technology and sustainable products. This time our exhibitors will also ready to showcase the latest innovations.
We have launched ITMA App so that any visitor from anywhere in the world can get the complete idea about the exhibition including exhibitors’ list, floor plan information, event schedule and even they can purchase badge from the badge. Also we are promoting the exhibition in digital platforms to attract the visitors and industry attention about the greatest show on earth for textile machineries.
Textile Focus: What will be your message to attract Bangladeshi visitors?
Daphne Poon: Bangladesh is an emerging market for textile industry. I will invite Bangladeshi textile owners, professionals, and everyone related to textile industry to visit the exhibition and see the latest innovations. ITMA 2019 is the show over 1600 exhibitors in 19 exhibits sectors on 2,20,000 sqm (gross) space. There are ITMA Innovation Lab, Research and Innovation Pavilion. We launched ITMA Sustainable Innovation Award. In addition there will be space for ITMA Innovation video showcase where shortlisted innovation videos will be showcased. A lot of partners’ events with SDC, Planet Textile 2019- The Sustainable Textile Summit, Better Cotton Initiatives (BIC), Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC). So all together we are expecting a vibrant exhibition.
M A Islam Riyadh: Yes, I spoke with so many exhibitors in DTG 2019 held in January 2019 they all are telling that they will showcase their latest innovation and technology at ITMA 2019. All the exhibitors are looking forward to ITMA 2019. As the industry is moving forward with positive changes, I also believe this time ITMA will be a great show.
Textile Focus: How will you compare ITMA 2011 in Barcelona and ITMA 2019 in Barcelona?
Daphne Poon: Time has been changed with so many developments. Now sustainability is a concern for the industry which was not that much highlighted in 2011. In last 02 editions of ITMA everyone was telling let’s see the changes and how can we contribute for sustainability. But this time everyone will implement the innovation and sustainability. Now industry has been expanded and lots of revelation is happening everywhere. So, I hope it will be more vibrant show rather than previous editions.
Maeen Md. Kahirul Akter: Specially, if you think of our industry most of the industrialist are now more focused on the sustainable developments. There is no cheap labor here in Bangladesh, value added products are producing. So, the industry is moving forward. Our government is also concern about this sector and supporting the industry to move forward. We are expecting big expansion which is in process. In every issue of our magazine “Textile Focus” we try to cover the innovation and sustainable developments so that the industry can get a direction. There is a change in total supply chain, worker issue, ethical issues, and technological developments. As I am also faculty of Bangladesh University of Textiles, I found good response of our student in learning innovative technologies and thinking out of the box. I hope it will be a very successful exhibition this time.
Pearly Ang: This is my first visit in Bangladesh, meeting with so many stakeholders I found all are serious about textile industry of Bangladesh. I will request all to purchase budge earlier to get early bird rate €80 for 07 days by 15th May 2019.