PVH Corp, which owns the Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein brands has been operating at Ethiopia’s vast Hawassa Industrial Park since 2014, where it is an anchor tenant. The park is expected to create 60,000 jobs within a few years. It features a Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) effluent treatment facility which recycles over 90 per cent of the wastewater produced in the park. PVH has won an award for corporate excellence for its work in developing the Ethiopian textile value chain.
Established in 1999, the annual Secretary of State Award for Corporate Excellence recognizes US companies representing American values in their business practices worldwide and contributing to the growth and sustainable development of the local economies in which they work.
The ultimate goal for PVH’s model industrial park is to provide a better future not only for the workers and their families but also to inspire responsible industrialization across Ethiopia for the betterment of its entire population and the creation of a new market for U.S. goods. PVH has been selected as one of two winners of the 2018 US Secretary of State’s Award for Corporate Excellence (ACE), an achievement recognizing US firms that uphold high standards of responsible business conduct.