Ex- students of Shanto Mariam University of Creative Technology (SMUCT) city campus organized ex-student carnival on 9th March 2018 in Dhaka. Almost 200 ex-students who are now working of different industries participated at the carnival. They were very much delighted to be a part of such a colorful event. At the opening the students memorized the teachers and students who passed away. Ex-students from different batches memorized their memories during their time of student life at the SMUCT campus. There was a cultural show with the participation of current and ex-students. Students showcased some of their design concept and products to the guests. Architect Hosne Ara Rahman, Registrar, SMUCT; Kaikobad Rana, Joint Registrar, SMUCT; Artist Nasim Ahmed Nadvi; Designer Chandra Shekor Shah; current and ex teachers & students of city campus were present at the carnival. The carnival was organized and coordinated by Ex Student Forum of Shanto Mariam University of Creative Technology (SMUCT) city campus.