Thursday, February 13, 2025
HomeEventsTECH-CELL BD LTD hosts Iconic evening focus on Digital Automation for apparel sector

TECH-CELL BD LTD hosts Iconic evening focus on Digital Automation for apparel sector

Tech-Cell BD Ltd is working to develop the garment industry in the country through digital automation.


The organization has been running this digital automation since 2019. On Thursday (October 10), they organized an ‘iconic evening’ at Hotel La Méridien in the capital.

The event discussed the future of Bangladesh’s garment industry and the impact of productivity efficiency on garment operations. Top BD garment officials of the country participated in the discussion.

At this time, the current situation in the garment sector was discussed. In particular, the speakers discussed the ongoing problems of the garment sector and the development of the country’s industry in the future.

At this time an agreement was signed with Vietnam. Where Tech Cell BD can sell their machinery in Vietnam.

Tech Cell BD Chairman Ariful Islam, Managing Director, Bappy K Roy and other officials were present at the signing ceremony.

Tech cell BD ltd. started its journey in the year of 2017 with a view to providing a complete solution in the apparel manufacturing process. They focus on Digital Automation solutions for apparel industries aiming to reduce production costs and ensure quality & sustainability.

Tech cell BD ltd. Helps companies reach their optimum goal by enabling them to Develop, manufacture, and take their product to market smarter, faster, more affordably, and in a sustainable manner.

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