International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 to commemorate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. Each year for International Women’s Day, the United Nations selects a theme. This years is “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”
Textile Focus: More than 80% of women are working for the Bangladesh textile & apparel industry but at the top/decision-making level the presence of women is still very less. How you evaluate this how more women can come upon such top/decision-making positions in the T&A sector?
Kyaw Sein Thay (Dolly), Managing Director, Cloths R Us Limited

Thanks for the question and this is a very common question on women’s day every year. Being in the industry for the last 25 years and came across multiple senior positions in various MNC’s and currently as an Entrepreneur, I have learnt lessons from my life, there are 4Fs that hinder a woman to climb the highest ladder of her career in any corporate organization.
The first F is Fear, followed by Family, Financial and Freedom.The environment or family where a Girl child is groomed or born, prohibiting her or forbidding her from thinking freely, doing anything freely and taught to remain timid, tiny and low, and suddenly on the 8th March, if we want to see many woman around us standing sharp and straight, it does not work.
So Family plays a vital role to support a girl to grow as a free soul where she can overcome her fear, ability to think, possess confidence on herself. She has the right to participate in critical financial decision and she is an independent and free soul.
Unless a woman grows herself as an independent human being, how can we expect her to become a top executive positions in RMG or any MNCs. A woman can be a successful mother, wife, a proud daughter and a successful top executive or an entrepreneur as well, if she is groomed properly as a complete human being.