The staff at both Zara’s and Primark’s factories have protested against the management for sacking them on the pretext of the global crisis.
The workers even complained about the factory’s poor sanitary conditions, as well as the rude language used by supervisors. Huabo Times factory workers also sent Primark a separate letter asking for workers to be reinstated.
Many Myanmar garment workers, who make clothes for bigwigs retailers including Zara and Primark, came in for rude shock when they were sacked days after they formed a union. Around 100 garment workers from the Huabo Times factory were sacked by management days after registering for the union. Those sacked were either members of the party, or backers thereof.
Shockingly, in less than 4 days, 200 non-union employees from another plant were replaced by all the fired staff – placing a question mark on the management’s rationale for laying off workers due to coronavirus crisis.