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HomeTechnical ArticlesKnow How9 Ways to Eliminate Stress Situation in Merchandising Profession

9 Ways to Eliminate Stress Situation in Merchandising Profession

Mohammad Nurul Alam

Working under pressure in the workplace for a merchandiser often manifests in the form of tight deadlines, demands from Buyers, factory performance issues and other obstacles that he gets in the way of doing everyday tasks.

Thus outside pressure and unforeseen changes or problems may have constraints uncomfortable situations and that might give someone to be a good or bad performer on the job.

But it is believed that work pressure will develop the ability to Eliminate Stress Situation and will help to enhance the ability to cope up and increase productivity. It will also help to overcome the burnout situation that has been given by the people and unseen factors from the various aspect of the production process. The below details will help a merchandiser to be productive and successful during stressful situations.

Eliminate Stress Situation in Merchandising Profession

1) Reshape life for balancing both home and workplace.

Sometimes merchandisers may not be able to do proper balance in their life due to excessive stress in the workplace and this will badly hamper their mental state and peaceful life. The consequences will appear as less productivity as well as inefficient personal performance.

He might need to keep a schedule for the workplace and for the home place simultaneously so that the highest level of enthusiastic force can be delivered from a merchandiser.

2) Develop and create a regular connection with supportive people.

In the garments industry, none can complete the task alone unless supportive people are extending their hand for the accomplishment of the related task.

Here merchandiser has to develop friendly bondage with the people and make sure to take the extra hour to benefit from the supportive people. 

This has to be done carefully and makes them to think that extra hours of work just to provide additional privileges in terms of money and facilities.

3)Track the stressors to overcome pressure in the merchandising

This is important to detect the stressors before handling them for effective results.

There are three stressors commonly seen for a merchandiser in the workplace and these three aspects are badly hamper on his performance.

a) Stress/pressure that comes from the Buyer:

Buyers are absolutely right and they never accept faults that are supposed to happen due to improper instructions from their end. This is actually a myth in the merchandising profession.

So the unethical demands or illogical pressure to meet deadlines definitely gives excessive pressure on merchandisers and their regular work.

In this regard, the merchandiser should not have to show his anxiety towards Buyer but has to keep patience and show enthusiasm.

b) Pressure from the unit boss:

The department head generally keep constantly chasing to meet the deadlines and target but some time pressure and workload seems never-ending due to the Boss feeling ‘Nothing is happening’ and the situation keeps pressure for better performance. But in reality, this may not give better output but rather make worse the situation. 

Sometimes immoral and illogical workloads from the Boss may hamper the better productivity that a merchandiser could provide from his own motivation.

So managing the Department head is the key to personal success in the workplace that can never be equivalent to managing other factors of routine work.

c)Pressure from the production/operation:

Production requires regular checks, updates and solutions from the merchandiser so related people keep him busy and engage 24/7 and he never can get a little relaxation and enjoy his spare time.

Issues from production always keep him busy and sometimes difficulties and complexity to meet the deadline are also major concerns to be stressed out.

Whatever situation from production will arise the sampling strategy has to follow to overcome them is following a ‘to-do list’ for each day at beginning of working hours as well as handling the problem with immediate action.

4) Developing healthy responses to the stress situation.

Response to any situation should not have to be negative, with violence or impatience rather has to be positive, careful and by tactics.

Handling any unfavourable situation and stress is one of the highest managing qualities that a merchandiser can do in his workplace and if thus so he will never feel depressed or will not be out of control to overcome them.

In this regard, the merchandiser must do his daily task and complete them before the matter gets serious and complex to control.

5)Need to take time to recharge and for renewal.

A long stressful situation just needs a break to rebuild inner functions for strengthening physical and mental state in the workplace.

And in the garments industry, none can get fewer periods of time to relax or to recharge their own self and fight against stress out the situation.

But after that renewal and recharging own self never can be ignored in professional life and it has to be done periodically through routine work.

Otherwise healthy performance and expecting goodwill in the job place will be untouched as well as personal achievement and reward may see zero figures.

6)Share and talk about the situation with the senior personalities.

If things are bothering someone, talking about them can help lower stress with family members, friends or a trusted senior office colleague.

First of all, one must share the situation in detail and then ask for advice to overcome them. This might not change the scenarios overnight but will help to store energy to fight the matter.

Furthermore, in favour of all situations, one must put his head upward towards an understanding of people and make it clear that honesty is not ignored in anywhere the job place.

7)Physical exercise and regular workouts.

Regular workouts to fit body and mind no doubt is very important for people who are working with high-stress and unstable mental situations.

The moment of anxiety and depression can possibly to cover come by physical exercise and practising Yoga.

Yoga or stressing the body helps to improve inner strength and bring mental peace with the highest level of satisfaction, happiness and tranquillity.

8)Need to work smarter, not harder

Working smarter means doing things appropriately, making them flawlessly and thinking differently in an unusual manner and completing the task considering all the forecasting situations.

Also, prioritize the most important matter to be solved first and handle the unfavourable situation with patience and intellect.

Actually doing hard work without intelligence is merely a loss of time and strength as well as an inefficient task may damage the positive image among the people in the workplace.

9)Finally everyone should take healthy food and satisfy hunger in time.

A healthy and balanced diet is helpful to keep the body and mind fit for fighting against all unhealthy situations along with stress-out moments.

In this regard, it has been seen merchandiser does not take their meal on time due to workload and busy hour. But he has to keep it in mind that if tomorrow he is sick because of irregular food habits then the ultimate unexpected shocking news will be he is considered unfit for job and not be capable to handle all deadlines. In conclusion, it can be said that handling the stress out situation and overcoming them is merely an art of personal intellect. And facing the situation with a strong mind hood will help to grow in the workplace, enhance teamwork as well as it will provide confidence.

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