Advance Denim is the oldest denim manufacturer in China and is committed to making the most sustainable denim possible. Advance Denim has reduced its energy consumption per yard of fabric by 42 per cent since 2013. Saving is the result of applications of energy-efficient machine replacements and equipment upgrades. A state-of-the-art emissions tracking system ensures its thermal power plant is well below national standards for air pollutants. The company has reduced its water consumption by 58 per cent by investing in a brand-new reverse osmosis recycling system that will be able to recycle 100 per cent of the wastewater in the finishing process.
Since fiber is at the heart of all denim, Advance Denim has set an aggressive strategic goal that will dramatically increase the percentage of sustainable green fibers used in the product line. Over the next five years, the company will increase its total use of green fibers to over 90 per cent of its total production. The company has made a big investment in the future of sustainable indigo dyeing. This new indigo dye process reduces water consumption in the dye process by up to 85 per cent. It also reduces wastewater completely and decreases energy consumption by 25 per cent.