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Top 16 news from 2016!

We have passed 2016. How it was passed depends based on gains and losses. As we are passing a very rapid changing environment in all sectors with the blessings of technological advancements, it was a fruitful year for textile and apparel local and international industry. Based on year round updates here we are presenting top 16 news which were highlighted in 2016!

Md. Arifur Rahman Siddique

 1. Bangladesh RMG is moving forward to achieve its target by 2021

BGMEA’s roadmap gets special importance for achieving a near double-digit export growth in the calendar year, 2016. Global focus is on working conditions in the readymade garment (RMG) factories in Bangladesh. Quite clearly these essential conditions are to be addressed for the 2021 roadmap. Nevertheless, certain enabling conditions are to be addressed even for sustaining the present trend of success in export.

2. Updates from Cotton producing countries

screenshot-211Although synthetic fibers are on the rise, quality cotton is still ahead, providing endurance that it offers. Cotton has long been one of the world’s most valuable commodities. It’s one of the 10 largest agricultural products worldwide, and the farming of cotton is a $23 billion global business. This year alone, 105.5 million bales of cotton is expected to be harvested across the world. Cotton production around the world has only increased being a staple fiber for the apparel industry and among the many countries that produce the fiber, here are the top eight producers from across the world. The ranking is based on statistics from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

3. Technology updates leaded the industry

Fashion and textile industry has never been in a more interesting spot ever before. With some trendsetting changes taking place in technology sector, fashion and textile, like all other industries is witnessing a major impact on what we produce and conceive. Smart fabrics, interactive fabrics, 3D printed fashion and many other innovations have opened up a whole array of possibilities that will have a huge impact on the world of fashion as we know it. However, it is technology coupled with innovation that is setting the trend for fashion in 2016. Young designers, entrepreneurs and forward thinking brands that explore the boundaries of fashion are now conceiving alternatives to traditional materials and fabrics that we know today.

4. Innovation and sustainability

Continuing with increased environmental awareness the major trend for the sector would be significant innovations in sustainability – reducing water and energy consumption, which are vital developments for the benefit of the environment and saving costs. Environmental and economic considerations go hand¬ in ¬hand, and have been the driving force for the last few years. Even in areas such as finishing, where water consumption and pollution was a particular issue. Another important development is the rise of digital printing, which doesn’t require water.

5. Advancement of Technical Textile

In recent years, technical textile has become a major segment globally because of several advantages like functional requirement, health and safety, cost effectiveness, durability, high strength etc. The global technical textile industry has witnessed an increase in consumption from 25 per cent in 1998 to 37 per cent 2010. The largest segments are Mobiltex, Indutex and Sportex which contribute to about 55-57 per cent of the total Technical Textiles globally. In the US and Western European countries, there is legislation for mandatory use of such products which has further fuelled growth in demand. China, Brazil and Canada are some other countries to play important role in shaping the technical textile industry in 2016.

6. As usual spinning sector

In 2015, spinning industry witnessed a trend of smaller order sizes which is likely to continue in 2016. The combination of high demand and decreasing raw material costs has also provided spinners with the opportunity to enhance margins, which have historically been very thin for this industry. Perhaps the biggest change in 2015 over past periods of sustained prosperity is the size of orders. Orders are relatively small, at least for most specialty spinners, and the variety of yarns spun is on the rise.

7. Indian RMG exporters set up units in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has emerged an attractive destination for Indian RMG manufacturers. Many have set up units in the country simply because Bangladesh offers ease of doing business, importing-exporting is faster. R&D on new styles is faster as you can import fabrics in three days where as in India, it would take 10 days. In fact, the list of Indian companies setting up garment units in Bangladesh is long.

8. Brexit impact on textiles industry

While experts say Brexit would affect manufacturing, the textiles and fashion industry is expected to take a hard hit both in UK and across the world. UK’s fashion industry contributed an estimated £26 billion to the economy in 2014. To begin with under the ‘FTA scenario’, the UK negotiates a free trade agreement with no tariffs on exports and imports between the UK and Europe by 2020.

9. Impact on environment for fashion trend

Every piece of clothing being bought has had an impact on the planet before its even brought home. First of all, there’s water consumption. Two billion pairs of jeans are produced every year, and a typical pair takes 7,000 litres of water to produce. For a t-shirt, it takes 2,720 litres of water to make just one – that’s the average water consumption of a person over three years old! Secondly, there’s the dying process of which 1.7 million tonnes of various chemicals are used; not to mention the hazardous chemicals like PFCs that leave a permanent impact on our environment

10. Myanmar a sourcing destination for brands

A turning point came on March 30, 2011, when a reformist president, Thein Sein, was sworn in as the leader of a military-civilian government. That is when would be-investors and garment sourcing companies based in the West started to turn their attention to Myanmar. The first Western brand to source from Myanmar was H&M in 2013 followed by Gap in 2014 and these companies appear to have paved the way for others to follow. Experts predict that there could be upto 1.5 million jobs in the garment industry by 2020 compared with approximately 230,000 in mid-2015, and that garment exports could rise from $1.5 million in 2014 to as much as $12 billion in 2020.

11. Make in India talk of the industry

Prime Minister’s ‘Make in India’ concept could bring about sea change in the country’s manufacturing landscape. A recent article published by Hong Kong Trade Development Corporation (HKTDC) ‘Make in India: An Alternative Production Base with a Huge Local Market’, highlights how India could emerge as global powerhouse in manufacturing. It gives an overview of labor cost, supply and quality, along with logistics performance and land costs, followed by an examination of some government initiatives and reforms.

12. Vietnam, a contender for major textile exports

According to one estimate, Vietnam’s textile exports will double in the decade from 2015 to 6 trillion yen ($55 billion). In addition to low labor costs, expected cuts in tariffs under the agreement are drawing textile companies to the emerging country. Vietnam is emerging as a potential new world production center of textile products, as major global apparel makers are expanding their production in the Southeast Asian country.

13. Africa-The right mix for apparel industry

Africa has many of the ingredients that can make it a global force in apparel and textile exports. However, it will take some time for all these ingredients to come together and mirror what China, India, Vietnam and others have done over the last 30 years.

14. Strong position of Asia in global garment exports

Garment exporters in the Asian region by and large outperformed their rivals across the globe. Most of these countries occupy the lower end of the apparel value chain but the RMG sectors stable performance has highlighted its importance in the development of these emerging markets. According to estimates, last year was not too good for many Asian exporters. However, while commodities and electronics exporters suffered, apparel sector did remarkably well.

15. Europe a growing market for fashion accessories

Despite an economic downturn, there has been a growing demand for fashion accessories in Europe. As per a market report by the Center for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI).Europe represents an attractive destination market for exporters of fashion accessories from developing countries. Fashion accessories have performed well in the European market, even during the economic crisis.

16. It’s time for digital printing revelation

Digital printing is likely to bring high volume printing opportunities to industries such as paper, industrial surfaces of all kinds and textile. These industries are reluctant to hop on the bandwagon usually due to each application’s particular drawbacks but in most cases manufacturers are simply oblivious to the availability of digital printing’s advantages and capabilities also for high volume industries.



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