Currently, there are 74 factories with platinum ratings, and an additional 116 factories hold gold ratings.
Bangladesh has strengthened its position as the global leader in green environmentally-friendly apparel factories, with 204 factories in the sector now boasting the United States Green Building Council’s (USGBC) LEED certification (certificate for green factories).
One more Bangladeshi garment factory obtained green building certification from the USGBC in the gold category in December, according to the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA).
The green-certified factory is Integra Dresses Limited of Gazipur with 99 out of 110 points.
Bangladesh achieved 27 green building certifications in 2022, including 13 in the platinum category which is the highest in a year.
Of the total 204 green-certified factories, 74 are platinum-rated, 116 gold-rated and the rest are other-rated.
500 more factories are in the pipeline to get the USGBC’s LEED certification.
Fifty-four out of globally, the top 100 highest-rated LEED green factories are in Bangladesh. Not only that, 9 out of globally top 10, and 18 out of globally top 20 LEED-certifiedd factories are in Bangladesh. And it’s truly a matter of pride that the highest-scoring factory in the world is in Bangladesh with a score of 104.
USGBC honours factories based on several criteria – transformation performance, energy, water, and waste management. The best performers are rated with platinum, followed by gold and silver.