The SARSTEC Science and Research Club proudly presents Ink Wizards-2024, a groundbreaking textile-based writing competition designed to inspire and engage students from textile campuses...
In a groundbreaking partnership, the International Apparel Federation (IAF), Alvanon Europe, Amsterdam Fashion Institute (AMFI), and Albstadt-Sigmaringen University have come together to host the...
Novozymes, the world’s largest industrial biotechnology company, announced its results for the first half of 2019. 2019 outlook confirmed on all fronts following the...
A research workshop on 'Skill Development and Research Methodology' has been organized by Textile Engineering Department, Sonargaon University (SU) to enhance the skills of...
Poney Garments Sdn. Bhd. (PONEY) ventures into nanotechnology and technical textile with Nano Textile Sdn. Bhd. (NANOTEXTILE). This partnership represents the first all Malaysian...
Recently department of textile engineering, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) celebrated the 20th anniversary by an event “TEXPLORE” organized by AUST Textile...
A high level delegation team, from “The Institution of Textile Engineers & Technologists (ITET), Bangladesh, headed by its President Engr. Md. Shafiqur Rahman, greeted...
Loepfe Brothers Ltd. has been pioneering yarn-clearing technology for almost 30 years. At ITMA 2019, the Swiss company presents a brand-new yarn clearer –...
Special Correspondent
China Interdye is an international event involving dye industries worldwide. The event involves all textile, garments and dye industries gathered under a single...
India based Unitech Texmech Pvt Ltd, the market leaders in spinning rings since 1976, will be showcasing their latest range of high quality spinning...